Publications 2013
Publications du département COSYS - 2013 - Madis
ADDACI, Rafik ; SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha ; RABAH, Mhamad-Hassanein ; BERBINEAU, Marion , 2013 , Multi-band multi-antenna system for diversity and/or MIMO applications , International Journal of Research in Wireless Systems , 2 , 1 , 7p
Télécharger le documentADDACI, Rafik ; STARAJ, Robert , 2013 , Artificial neural networks modeling technique for fast analysis and design of multi-antenna systems , EUCAP, European Conference on Antenna and Propagation , Göteborg , SUEDE , 08/04/2013 , p2034-2037
Télécharger le documentADDACI, Rafik, STARAJ, Robert, 2013, Fast analysis and design solution of multi-antenna system for 1.15 to 5.825GHz mobile terminal applications with optimizing isolation performance, APSURSI - Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, Orlando, ETATS-UNIS, 2013-07-07, INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS - IEEE, pp1198-1199, DOI: 10.1109/APS.2013.6711259
ADELE, Sonia, 2013, La dynamique de la relation humain-technologie : entre acceptation et technosymbiose. In: Interactions et Intercompréhension : une approche comparative Homme-Homme, Animal-Homme-Machine et Homme-Machine, Echanges, EME Editions, pp 217-232
Plus d'infosADELE, Sonia ; BRANGIER, Eric , 2013 , Evolutions in the human technology relationship: rejection, acceptance and technosymbiosis , IADIS International Journal on www/Internet , 11 , 3 , pp. 46-60
ADELE, Sonia ; BRANGIER, Eric , 2013 , Characteristics and modalities of changes in Human Technology Relationship models , IADIS International conference ICT, Society and Human Beings 2013 and IADIS International conference e-Commerce 2013 , PRAGUE , TCHÈQUE, RÉPUBLIQUE , 24/07/2013 , IADIS Press , pp. 101-109
Plus d'infosADELE, Sonia ; BRANGIER, Eric , 2013 , Pourquoi et comment change notre relation à la technologie ? Une approche dynamique et évolutive de la relation humain-technologie. In : Activités humaines, Technologies et Bien-être , ARPEGE SCIENCE PUBLISHING , pp. 117-125
Télécharger le documentAHMED BACHA, Adda Redouane ; GRUYER, Dominique ; LAMBERT, Alain , 2013 , A Robust Hybrid Multisource Data Fusion Approach for Vehicle Localization , Positioning , 4 , 4 , pp 271-281 , DOI: 10.4236/pos.2013.44026
AHMED BACHA, Adda Redouane, GRUYER, Dominique, MAMMAR, Said, 2013, A new robust cooperative-reactive Filter for Vehicle Localization: The Extended Kalman Particle Swarm 'EKPS', IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, GOLD COAST, AUSTRALIE, 2013-06-23, pp 195-200, DOI: 10.1109/IVS.2013.6629470
Plus d'infosANDRIEU, Cindie, SAINT PIERRE, Guillaume, BRESSAUD, Xavier, 2013, Estimation of Space-Speed Profiles : A Functional Approach Using Smoothing Splines, 2013 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), June 23-26, 2013, Gold Coast, Australia, Gold Coast, AUSTRALIE, 2013-06-23, DOI: 10.1109/IVS.2013.6629594
ARENAS, Diego ; CHEVRIER, Rémy ; DHAENENS, Clarisse ; HANAFI, Said ; RODRIGUEZ, Joaquin , 2013 , Application of a Co-evolutionary Genetic Algorithm to solve the Periodic Railway Timetabling Problem , IESM 2013, 5th international conference on industrial engineering and system management , Rabat , MAROC , 28/10/2013 , 10p
Télécharger le documentARON, Maurice ; SEIDOWSKY, Régine , 2013 , Impact des conditions générales de la circulation sur le niveau du risque d'accident , Séminaire SERRES , LYON , FRANCE , 21/03/2013 , 24p
Télécharger le documentARON, Maurice ; SEIDOWSKY, Régine ; COHEN, Simon, 2013, Safety impact of using the hard shoulder during congested traffic: The case of a managed lane operation on a French urban motorway, Transportation research - Part C : Emerging technologies, 28, ELSEVIER, pp 168-180, DOI:10.1016/j.trc.2010.12.006
ARON, Maurice ; SEIDOWSKY, Régine ; DITCHI, Nicolas , 2013 , Traffic Indicators and Accidents: The Case of a Motorway Network in the South of France , 92nd Annual Meeting Transportation Research Board - TRB , WASHINGTON DC , ETATS-UNIS , 13/01/2013 , 15p
Télécharger le documentATTAL, Ferhat, BOUBEZOUL, Abderrahmane, OUKHELLOU, Latifa, ESPIE, Stéphane, 2013, Riding patterns recognition for Powered two-wheelers users' behaviors analysis, ITSC 2013 - 16th International IEEE Conference On Intelligent Transportation Systems, LA HAYE, PAYS-BAS, 2013-10-06, 7p, DOI: 10.1109/ITSC.2013.6728528
Plus d'infosAUPETIT, Samuel ; RIFF, Jacques ; BUTTELLI, Olivier ; ESPIE, Stéphane , 2013 , Naturalistic study of rider’s behaviour in initial training in France: Evidence of limitations in the educational content , Accident analysis and prevention , 58 , ELSEVIER , pp 206-217 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2012.09.036
AVELLA CASTIBLANCO, Jorge, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, BERBINEAU, Marion, NEY, Michel, GALLEE, François, 2013, Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Modeling for Finding Antenna Specifications and Positions in Tunnels of Arbitrary Cross-section. In Wave Propagation Theories and Applications, Yi ZHENG (Ed), InTech, p261-288, DOI: 10.5772/51838
AYADI, Inès, 2013, Optimisation des politiques de maintenance préventive dans un cadre de modélisation par modèles graphiques probabilistes, Thèse de doctorat, spécialité : informatique, Université Paris-Est, 185 p
BABARI, Raouf ; DUMONT, Eric ; HAUTIERE, Nicolas , 2013 , Observation du brouillard par caméras routières , JTR 2013 - Journées Techniques Routes , NANTES , FRANCE , 06/02/2013 , INSTITUT FRANCAIS DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES DES TRANSPORTS, DE L'AMENAGEMENT ET DES RESEAUX - IFSTTAR , 4p ; , METEO FRANCE ; , INSTITUT GEOGRAPHIQUE NATIONAL - IGN
Télécharger le documentBACHTI, S, DUPONT, Laurent, LOUDOT, S, COQUERY, Gérard, 2013, Test bench for active ageing of power modules reproducing constraints close to automotive driving conditions, EPE2013, 15th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Lille, FRANCE, 2013-09-02, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE, 10p, DOI: 10.1109/EPE.2013.6634415
Plus d'infosBAKER, Nick, LISERRE, Marco, DUPONT, Laurent, AVENAS, Yvan, 2013, Junction temperature measurements via thermo-sensitive electrical parameters and their application to condition monitoring and active thermal control of power converters, IECON 2013 - 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society , Vienne, AUTRICHE, 2013-11-10, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE, p. 942-948, DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2013.6699260
BAOUCHE, Fouad, TRIGUI, Rochdi, EL FAOUZI, Nour Eddin, BILLOT, Romain, 2013, Planification d'itinéraire de véhicule électrique : évaluation et estimation de la consommation d'énergie, ROADEF 2013, 14ème conférence dela Société française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, TROYES, FRANCE, 2013-02-13, 2 p
Télécharger le documentBAOUCHE, Fouad ; TRIGUI, Rochdi ; EL FAOUZI, Nour Eddin ; BILLOT, Romain , 2013 , Energy Consumption Assessment For Electric Vehicles , International symposium on recent advances in transport modeling , BRISBANE , AUSTRALIE , 21/04/2013 , 5 p.
Plus d'infosBARO, Johanna ; COME, Etienne ; AKNIN, Patrice ; BONIN, Olivier , 2013 , Hierarchical and multiscale Mean Shift segmentation of population grid , ESANN 2013 - 22th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks , BRUGES , BELGIQUE , 24/04/2013 , 6p
Plus d'infosBELBACHIR, Assia, BOUTTEAU, Rémi, MERRIAUX, Pierre, BLOSSEVILLE, Jean Marc, SAVATIER, Xavier, 2013, From autonomous robotics toward autonomous cars, 2013 IEEE IV Intelligent Vehicles Symposium , GOLD COAST, AUSTRALIE, 2013-06-23, IEEE, 7 p, DOI: 10.1109/IVS.2013.6629656
BEN CHIKHA, Haithem ; DAYOUB, Iyad ; BERBINEAU, Marion , 2013 , Distributed turbo coded cooperation networks under imperfect channel state information in Rayleigh fading channels , IET Communications , 7 , 10 , INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY , p973–979 , DOI: 10.1049/iet-com.2012.0519
BEN MEKKI, Othman, BOURQUIN, Frédéric, MACERI, F, MERLIOT, E, 2013, Unimodal optimal passive electromechanical damping of elastic structures, Smart Materials and Structures, 22, 8, IOP PUB, 11p, DOI: 10.1088/0964-1726/22/8/085029
BENEDETTO, Simone ; PERDOTTI, Marco ; BREMOND, Roland ; BACCINO, Thierry , 2013 , Leftward attentional bias in a simulated driving task , Transportation Research : Part F, Traffic Psychology and Behaviour , 20 , ELSEVIER , pp 147-153 , DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2013.07.006
BENINE NETO, André, MAMMAR, Said, LUSETTI, Benoît, SCALZI, Stefano, 2013, Piecewise affine control for lane departure avoidance, Vehicle System Dynamics, 51, 8, Taylor & Francis, pp 1121-1150, DOI: 10.1080/00423114.2013.783220
BENOUIOUA, Djedjiga ; CANDUSSO, Denis ; HAREL, Fabien ; OUKHELLOU, Latifa , 2013 , Voltage singularity classification for fuel cell diagnosis , EFCF 2013 - European Fuel Cell Conference , ROME , ITALIE , 11/12/2013 , 2 p
Plus d'infosBENOUIOUA, Djedjiga ; CANDUSSO, Denis ; HAREL, Fabien ; OUKHELLOU, Latifa , 2013 , Singularity Analysis of Voltage Signals for PEM Fuel Cell Diagnosis , FDFC 2013 - 5th International Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells , KARLSRUHE , ALLEMAGNE , 16/04/2013 , 7p.
Télécharger le documentBERKANI, Mounira ; LEFEBVRE, Stéphane ; KHATIR, Zoubir , 2013 , Saturation Current and On-Resistance Correlation during During Repetitive Short-Circuit Conditions on SiC JFET Transistors , IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics , 28 , 2 , INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS - IEEE , pp 621-624 , DOI: 10.1109/TPEL.2012.2215629
BETAILLE, David ; PEYRET, François ; ORTIZ, Miguel ; MIQUEL, Stéphan ; FONTENAY, Leila , 2013 , GNSS accurate positioning including satellite visibility check in a multiple hypotheses 3D mapping framework , European Navigation Conference 2013 , VIENNE , AUTRICHE , 23/04/2013 , 1p
Plus d'infosBETAILLE, David ; PEYRET, François ; ORTIZ, Miguel ; MIQUEL, Stéphan ; FONTENAY, Leila , 2013 , A new modeling based on urban trenches to improve GNSS positioning Quality of Service in cities , IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine , 5 , 3 , INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS - IEEE , p59-70 , DOI: 10.1109/MITS.2013.2263460
BEUGIN, Julie, EL KOURSI, El Miloudi, CLARHAUT, Joffrey, RENAUX, Dominique, 2013, Projet SIL. Plan de gestion de projet. Analyse des méthodes de détermination des niveaux de SIL des fonctions critiques de sécurité, 12p
Plus d'infosBHATTI, Ghasan, BREMOND, Roland, JESSEL, Jean-Pierre, VIENNE, Fabrice, MILLET, Guillaume, 2013, User-centered design approach to model scenarios on driving simulators. In: Driver adaptation to information and assistance systems, IET: Institution of Engineering and Technology, pp 275-300, DOI: 10.1049/PBSP009E_ch14
BHATTI, Ghasan ; MILLET, Guillaume ; BREMOND, Roland ; VIENNE, Fabrice ; JESSEL, Jean Pierre , 2013 , Filling the user skill gap using HCI techniques to implement experimental protocols on driving simulators , Sixth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions , NICE , FRANCE , 01/02/2013 , 6 p
Plus d'infosBHATTI, Ghasan ; MILLET, Guillaume ; JESSEL, Jean Pierre ; DANG, Nguyen-Thong ; VIENNE, Fabrice ; BREMOND, Roland , 2013 , A Detailed Description of User-Centered User-Interface to Model Scenarios on Driving Simulators , RSS 2013 - Road Safety and Simulation International Conference , ROME , ITALIE , 22/10/2013 , 12p
Plus d'infosBHOURI, Neila, ARON, Maurice, 2013, Reliability Benefits of Active Traffic Management : A Managed Lanes Case in a French Urban Motorway, 92nd Annual Meeting Transportation Research Board - TRB, WASHINGTON DC, ETATS-UNIS, 2013-01-13, 16p
Télécharger le documentBHOURI, Neila, ARON, Maurice, CHAGNAUD, Vincent, PAPON, Francis, 2013, Reliability assessment of dynamic use of the hard shoulder field test from a French motorway, WCTR 2013, 13th World Conference on Transport Research, RIO DE JANEIRO, BRESIL, 2013-07-13, 18p
Télécharger le documentBHOURI, Neila, HAJ SALEM, Habib, KAUPPILA, Jari, 2013, Isolated versus Coordinated Ramp metering: Field Evaluation Results of Travel Time Reliability and Traffic Impact, Transportation research - Part C : Emerging technologies, 28, ELSEVIER, pp 155-167, DOI: 10.1016/j.trc.2011.11.001
BON, Philippe ; COLLART-DUTILLEUL, Simon , 2013 , From a Solution Model to a B Model for Verification of Safety Properties , Journal of universal computer science - JUCS , 19 , 1 , p2-24 , DOI: 10.3217/jucs-019-01-0002
BON, Philippe ; COLLART-DUTILLEUL, Simon ; SUN, Pengfei , 2013 , Study of implementation of ERTMS with respect to French national rules using a B centered methodology. , 5th IESM 2013, 5th international conference on industrial engineering and system management , Rabat , MAROC , 28/10/2013 , 9p
Télécharger le documentBOUBEZOUL, Abderrahmane, ESPIE, Stéphane, LARNAUDIE, Bruno, BOUAZIZ, Samir, 2013, A simple fall detection algorithm for Powered Two Wheelers, Control Engineering Practice, 21, 3, ELSEVIER, pp 286-297, DOI: 10.1016/j.conengprac.2012.10.009
BOUILLAUT, Laurent ; FRANCOIS, Olivier ; DUBOIS, Stéphane , 2013 , A Bayesian network to evaluate underground rails maintenance strategies in an automation context , Journal of Risk and Reliability , 4 , 227 , INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS - IME , pp 411-424 , DOI: 10.1177/1748006X13481306
Plus d'infosBOUNA, Fall ; BOUKOUR, Fouzia ; HEDDEBAUT, Marc ; RIVENQ, Atika , 2013 , Time-Reversal UWB Positioning Beacon for Railway Application , Wireless Engineering and Technology , 4 , SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH PUBLISHING , p28-39 , DOI: 10.4236/wet.2013.41005
BOURGEOIS, Emmanuel ; CORFDIR, Alain ; CHAU, Truong Linh , 2013 , Analysis of long-term deformations of MSE walls based on various corrosion scenarios , Soils and foundations , 53 , 2 , JAPANESE SOCIETY OF SOIL MECHANICS AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING , pp. 259-271 , DOI: 10.1016/j.sandf.2013.02.006
BOURGOIS, Laure ; AUBERLET, Jean Michel ; RABAI, Haïfa , 2013 , Adaptation dynamique des piétons : Vers un modèle guidé par la perception , Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle , 27 , 3 , pp 347-370 , DOI: 10.3166/RIA.27.347-370
BOURGOIS, Laure ; HECKMANN, Thomas ; GRISLIN-LE STRUGEON, Emmanuelle ; AUBERLET, Jean Michel , 2013 , Activation of the following mode to simulate heterogeneous pedestrian behavior in crowded environment , ICAART - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence , BARCELONE , ESPAGNE , 15/02/2013 , 6p
Télécharger le documentBOUSLIMI, Nedim , 2013 , Réseau de capteurs communicants pour la perception de l'environnement , 38p
Télécharger le documentBREMOND, Roland ; BODARD, Vanessa ; DUMONT, Eric ; NOUAILLES-MAYEUR, Anaïs , 2013 , Target visibility level and detection distance on a driving simulator , Lighting research and technology , 45 , SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD , pp 76-89 , DOI: 10.1177/1477153511433782
BROUNS, Jordan ; NASSIOPOULOS, Alexandre ; BOURQUIN, Frédéric ; LIMAM, Karim , 2013 , Identification de paramètres et séparation de sources thermiques à dynamiques différentes dans le bâtiment en utilisant la variation totale , Congrès de la SFT 2013 , GERARDMER , FRANCE , 28/05/2013 , 8p
Plus d'infosBROUNS, Jordan ; NASSIOPOULOS, Alexandre ; BOURQUIN, Frédéric ; LIMAM, Karim , 2013 , State-parameter identification for accurate building energy audits , Building Simulation 2013 conference , Chambéry , France , 25/08/2013 , 7p
BRUYELLE, Jean Luc, EL KOURSI, El Miloudi, BOTTICCHIO, Nathalie, 2013, SECUREMETRO. Deliverable D5B.04 - Final dissemination plan, 18p
Plus d'infosBRUYELLE, Jean Luc, EL KOURSI, El Miloudi, BOTTICCHIO, Nathalie, 2013, SECUREMETRO. Deliverable D5A.03 - Report on Exploitation and plans for exploitation of results, 12p
Plus d'infosBRUYELLE, Jean Luc, EL KOURSI, El Miloudi, O'NEILL, Conor, SEDDON, Richard, DE SANTIAGO LAPORTE, Antonio, 2013, SECUREMETRO. Deliverable D5A.05 - Guide to mitigation of firebomb attacks and meeting the standards for rail interiors, 12p
Plus d'infosBRUYELLE, Jean Luc, EL KOURSI, El Miloudi, O'NEILL, Conor, SEDDON, Richard, DE SANTIAGO LAPORTE, Antonio, NOEL, Yvon, 2013, SECUREMETRO. Deliverable D5A.04 - Proposed additions for blast to EU standards on structural integrity and crash worthiness, 33p
Plus d'infosBRUYELLE, Jean Luc, EL KOURSI, El Miloudi, SEDDON, Richard, O'NEILL, Conor, 2013, Improved Resilience of Metro Vehicle Design to Blast and Fire Events, ICALT, International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport, Sousse, Tunisie, 2013-05-29, 6p, DOI: 10.1109/ICAdLT.2013.6568429
BUENO, Mercedes, FORT, Alexandra, FRANCOIS, Mathilde, NDIAYE, Daniel, DELEURENCE, Philippe, FABRIGOULE, Colette, 2013, Effectiveness of a Forward Collision Warning System in simple and in dual task from an electrophysiological perspective, Neuroscience Letters, 541, pp. 219-223, DOI: 10.1016/j.neulet.2013.02.030
CAMPAN, Francis, GUEPIE, Blaise Kévin, NOUMIR, Zineb, HONEINE, Paul, NIKIFOROV, Igor, RICHARD, Cédric, SNOUSSI, Hichem, JARRIGE, Pierre Antoine, 2013, Vigires'eau : système de surveillance en temps réel de la qualité de l'eau potable d'un réseau de distribution en vue de la détection d'intrusion, WISG 2013, Workshop Interdisciplinaire sur la Sécurité Globale, Troyes, France, 2013-01-22, Proceedings of the Workshop Interdisciplinaire sur la Sécurité Globale (WISG), Troyes, France
CANAUD, Matthieu ; MIHAYLOVA, Lyudmila ; EL FAOUZI, Nour Eddin ; BILLOT, Romain ; SAU, Jacques , 2013 , A Bayesian Approach to Real-time Traffic State Estimation using a Particle PHD Filter with Appropriate Clutter Intensity , 92nd Annual Meeting Transportation Research Board - TRB , WASHINGTON , ETATS-UNIS , 13/01/2013 , 13 p
CANAUD, Matthieu ; MIHAYLOVA, Lyudmila ; SAU, Jacques ; EL FAOUZI, Nour Eddin , 2013 , Probability hypothesis density filtering for real-time traffic state estimation and prediction , Network and heterogenous media , 8 , 3 , AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES , pp. 825-842 , DOI: 10.3934/nhm.2013.8.825
Plus d'infosCARAFFA, Laurent, 2013, Reconstruction 3D à partir de paires stéréoscopiques en conditions dégradées, Thèse de doctorat, mention Informatique, Université de Paris VI, Pierre et Marie Curie, Université de Paris VI, Pierre et Marie Curie, 163p
Télécharger le documentCARAFFA, Laurent, TAREL, Jean Philippe, 2013, Markov Random Field Model for Single Image Defogging, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, GOLD COAST, AUSTRALIE, 2013-06-23, pp 994-999, DOI: 10.1109/IVS.2013.6629596
Télécharger le documentCARO, Stéphane ; CHAURAND, Nadine ; DANG, Nguyen-Thong ; VIENNE, Fabrice , 2013 , Conception d’un simulateur de vélo pour l’étude du comportement des cyclistes , Journées Transports et Déplacements du Réseau Scientifique et Technique, RST, 2013 , BRON , FRANCE , 19/06/2013 , 1p
CAVALLO, Viola, RANCHET, Maud, PINTO, Maria, ESPIE, Stéphane, VIENNE, Fabrice, DANG, Nguyen-Thong, 2013, Projet AVIMOTO – Améliorer la Visibilité des Motocycles. Rapport final, convention de recherche Ifsttar-Fondation MAIF, INSTITUT FRANCAIS DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES DES TRANSPORTS, DE L'AMENAGEMENT ET DES RESEAUX - IFSTTAR, 53p.
Télécharger le documentCAVALLO, Viola, RANCHET, Maud, PINTO, Maria, ESPIE, Stéphane, VIENNE, Fabrice, DANG, Nguyen-Thong, 2013, Improving car drivers' perception of motorcyclists through innovative headlight configurations, ISAL - 10th International Symposium on Automotive Lighting, DARMSTADT, ALLEMAGNE, 2013-09-23, 7p
Plus d'infosCESAR, William ; NASSIOPOULOS, Alexandre ; BOURQUIN, Frédéric , 2013 , Inverse method for flow reconstruction using gas tracers in building environments , Building Simulation 2013 conference , CHAMBERY , FRANCE , 25/08/2013 , 8p
CHAKIR, Rachida , 2013 , A non intrusive reduced basis method for fluid dynamic , Fourth Workshop on Generic Solvers for PDEs: FreeFem++ and its Applications , PARIS , FRANCE , 10/12/2013
Télécharger le documentCHAKIR, Rachida , 2013 , A Two-grid Finite Element / Reduced Basis method for fluid dynamics problems , 2nd International Workshop on Reduced Basis, POD and PGD model , BLOIS , FRANCE , 03/11/2013 , 1p
Télécharger le documentCHAKIR, Rachida ; MADAY, Yvon ; PARNAUDEAU, Philippe ; JOLY, Pascal , 2013 , A non intrusive reduced basis method : application to computational fluid dynamics , 3rd European Conference on Computational Optimization 2013 , CHEMNITZ , ALLEMAGNE , 17/07/2013 , 33p
Télécharger le documentCHAMROUKHI, Faicel ; GLOTIN, Hervé ; SAME, Allou , 2013 , Model-based functional mixture discriminant analysis with hidden process regression for curve classification , Neurocomputing , 112 , ELSEVIER , pp 153-163 , DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2012.10.030
CHAMROUKHI, Faicel ; MOHAMMED, S ; OUKHELLOU, Latifa ; AMIRAT, Y ; TRABELSI, Dorra , 2013 , Joint segmentation of multivariate time series with hidden process regression for human activity recognition , Neurocomputing , 633 , 120 , ELSEVIER , pp 633-644 , DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2013.04.003
CHAPELEAU, Xavier ; SEDRAN, Thierry ; COTTINEAU, Louis Marie ; CAILLIAU, Joël ; TAILLADE, Frédéric ; GUEGUEN, Ivan ; HENAULT, Jean-Marie , 2013 , Study of ballastless track structure monitoring by distributed optical fiber sensors on a real-scale mockup in laboratory , Engineering Structures , 56 , ELSEVIER , pp.1751–1757 , DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2013.07.005
CHATELLIER, Patrice ; DANGLA, Patrick ; THIERY, Mickaël ; CHAUSSADENT, Thierry, 2013, Extension of Petersen matrix to the modelling of chemical equilibrium involved in concrete carbonation, European journal of environmental and civil engineering/Revue européenne de génie civil, 17, 10, TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, pp 920-934, DOI:10.1080/19648189.2013.836725
CHEAIB, Nader ; RUAS, Anne ; GABORIT, Olivier , 2013 , From sensor data to the perception of phenomena: Software architecture for online access and offline analysis , ICC'13 - 26th International Cartographic Conference , DRESDE , ALLEMAGNE , 26/08/2013 , 14 p
Télécharger le documentCHEIFETZ, Nicolas, 2013, Détection et classification de signatures temporelles CAN pour l'aide à la maintenance de sous-systèmes d'un véhicule de transport collectif, Thèse de doctorat Spécialité : Signal, Image, Automatique, Université Paris-Est, 207P.
CHEIFETZ, Nicolas, SAME, Allou, AKNIN, Patrice, DE VERDALLE, Emmanuel, CHENU, Damien, 2013, A Sequential Testing Procedure for Multiple Change-Point Detection in a Stream of Pneumatic Door Signatures , 12th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, MIAMI, ETATS-UNIS, 2013-12-04, 6p, DOI: 10.1109/ICMLA.2013.27
Plus d'infosCHENG, Qi, NOUVELIERE, Lydie, ORFILA, Olivier, 2013, A Piecewise Vehicle Fuel Consumption Model for Eco-Driving Assistance System, IAVSD 2013, International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Road and Tracks, Qingdao, CHINE, 2013-08-19, 7p
CHENG, Qi, NOUVELIERE, Lydie, ORFILA, Olivier, 2013, A New Eco-Driving Assistance System For a Light Vehicle: Energy Management and Speed Optimization, IV 2013, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Gold Coast, AUSTRALIE, 2013-06-23, pp1434--1439, DOI: 10.1109/IVS.2013.6629668
CHEVALIER, Aline ; DOMMES, Aurélie ; MARTINS, Daniel , 2013 , The effects of ageing and website ergonomic quality on internet information searching , Ageing and Society , 33 , 6 , CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS , pp 1009-1035 , DOI: 10.1017/S0144686X12000323
CHEVOIR, François, ROUX, Jean-Noël, KHAMSEH, Saeed, ROGNON, Pierre, AZEMA, Emilien, DESCANTES, Yannick, ROQUET, Nicolas, 2013, Influence of shape and cohesion on rheophysics of granular materials, International Congress on Granular Flows, CAMBRIDGE, ROYAUME-UNI
CHEVRIER, Remy ; PELLEGRINI, Paola ; RODRIGUEZ, Joaquin , 2013 , Energy saving in railway timetabling: A bi-objective evolutionary approach for computing alternative running times , Transportation research - Part C : Emerging technologies , 37 , ELSEVIER , pp.20-41 , DOI: 10.1016/j.trc.2013.09.007
CHEVRIER, Remy ; PELLEGRINI, Paola ; RODRIGUEZ, Joaquin , 2013 , Computing multiple running times for railway timetabling: a speed-level based model for constructing alternative speed profiles , RailCopenhagen 2013, 5th International Conference in Railway Operations Research , COPENHAGUE , DANEMARK , 13/05/2013 , 20p
Télécharger le documentCHEVRIER, Rémy ; RODRIGUEZ, Joaquin , 2013 , État de l'art sur l'ingénierie des horaires Livrable L3.4 : Rapport final de tâche , 90p
Plus d'infosCHIABAUT, Nicolas, XIE, Xiaoyan, LECLERCQ, Ludovic, 2013, Évaluation théorique de l'allocation dynamique des voies par la simulation, IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux
CHOLLET, Hugues, SEBES, Michel, MAUPU, Jean Louis, AYASSE, Jean Bernard, 2013, The VOCO multibody software in the context of real time simulation, Vehicle System Dynamics, 51, 4, TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, pp 570-580, DOI: 10.1080/00423114.2013.768771
COMMANDEUR, JJF ; BIJLEVELD, F ; BERGEL HAYAT, Ruth ; ANTONIOU, C ; YANNIS, G ; PAPADIMITRIOU, E , 2013 , On statistical inference in time series analysis of the evolution of road safety , Accident analysis and prevention , 60 , ELSEVIER , pp 424-434 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2012.11.006
CORDELLE, Aurélie ; CHAPELEAU, Xavier ; DRISSI-HABTI, Monssef , 2013 , Comportement en flexion 3-points d’un matériau composite instrumenté par capteur à réseaux de Bragg , Revue des composites et des matériaux avancés , 1 , 23 , LAVOISIER , pp.155-164 , DOI: 10.3166/rcma.23.155-164
CORDELLE, Aurélie ; DRISSI-HABTI, Monssef , 2013 , Nanoindentation Characterization of Vinylester Glass-fiber Composites Submitted to Dense Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure , Materials Evaluation , 4 , 71 , pp. 466-473
CORDELLE, Aurélie ; DRISSI-HABTI, Monssef ; FORSTER, Aaron ; CHIN, Joannie, 2013, Effets de l’irradiation aux UV sur les propriétés mécaniques des matériaux composites polymères, Revue des composites et des matériaux avancés, 23, 2, pp. 295-309, DOI:10.3166/rcma.23.295-309
CORDELLE, Aurélie, TERRIEN, Nicolas, DAHMENE, Fethi, FAJOUI, Jamal, DRISSI-HABTI, Monssef, CHAPELEAU, Xavier, 2013, Suivi d’endommagement par EA dans un composite obtenu par pultrusion et soumis à un chargement en flexion 3 points, Revue des composites et des matériaux avancés, 23, 2, pp. 331-334, DOI: 10.3166/rcma.23.331-344
CRINIERE, Antoine, DUMOULIN, Jean, PEREZ, Laetitia, BOURQUIN, Frédéric, 2013, Thermographie infrarouge synchronisée avec la mesure de paramètres météorologiques : Application à l'auscultation du tablier d'un pont ouvert au trafic, SFT 2013- Congrès annuel de la Société Française de Thermique, GERARDMER, FRANCE, 2013-05-28, 8 p
DARRAGI, Nesrine ; BON, Philippe ; COLLART-DUTILLEUL, Simon ; EL KOURSI, El Miloudi , 2013 , Tropos For Embedded Real-time Control System Modeling and Simulation , 4th International Workshop on Analysis Tools and Methodologies for Embedded and Real-time Systems (WATERS 2013) , Paris , FRANCE , 09/07/2013 , 5p
Télécharger le documentDARRAGI, Nesrine ; COLLART-DUTILLEUL, Simon ; EL KOURSI, El Miloudi ; BON, Philippe , 2013 , Dependency Graph for Requirements Structuring based on Guidance Ontology , 4th International academic-industrial conference on Complex Systems Design & Management (CSD&M) , Paris , FRANCE , 04/12/2013 , 12p
Télécharger le documentDARTY, Kevin ; SAUNIER, Julien ; SABOURET, Nicolas, 2013, Extraction de comportements pour l'étude de la crédibilité des agents, JFSMA'13 - Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents, LILLE, FRANCE, 03/07/2013, 10 p.,
Plus d'infosDEMMEL, Sébastien, LARUE, Grégoire, GRUYER, Dominique, RAKOTONIRAINY, Andry, 2013, An IEEE 802.11p Empirical Performance Model for Cooperative Systems Applications, ITSC 2013 - 16th IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, LA HAYE, PAYS-BAS, 2013-10-06, pp. 590-596, DOI: 10.1109/ITSC.2013.6728295
Plus d'infosDENIAU, Virginie, COLLIARD, Jacques, 2013, Security of railways against electromagnetic attacks, EURAILmag Business & Technology, issue 28, BLUE LINE & Bro, pp68-70
Plus d'infosDENIAU, Virginie, FRIDHI, Hassène, RODRIGUEZ, Joseba, ADIN, Inigo, HEDDEBAUT, Marc, RIOULT, Jean, 2013, Analysis and Modelling of the EM Interferences Produced above a Train associated to the Contact between the Catenary and the Pantograph, EMC Europe 2013, Bruges, BELGIQUE, 2013-09-02, 6p
Télécharger le documentDERKX, François ; THOREL, Luc ; CHAZELAS, Jean Louis ; ESCOFFIER, Sandra ; RAULT, Gérard ; BUTTIGIEG, Stéphane ; COTTINEAU, Louis Marie ; GARNIER, Jacques , 2013 , Simulation de tremblement de terre sur modèles réduits centrifugés , Essais et simulations , 113 , MRJ Informatique , pp. 41-43
DESERTOT, Mikael ; GRANSART, Christophe ; LECOMTE, Sylvain , 2013 , Enhancing the CATS framework by providing Asynchronous deployment for mobile application , 5th workshop on Communication Technologies for Vehicles, Nets4cars , Villeneuve d'Ascq , France , 14/05/2013 , 11p
Télécharger le documentDINH, Tu-Uyen Justine, 2013, Des véhicules traceurs pour la gestion du trafic sur autoroute, une source de données pertinente ? Etude d'une portion de l'A43, Master MEGA, VA Exploitation des Infrastructures de Transport, École nationale des travaux publics de l'État, 65 p
Télécharger le documentDOMMES, Aurélie, 2013, La traversée de rue des piétons âgés : comprendre leurs difficultés et améliorer leur sécurité , 26èmes Entretiens du Centre Jacques Cartier, Colloque 13 - Les Aînés et la Sécurité routière, Rester usager de la route en toute sécurité, c'est possible !, LYON, FRANCE, 2013-11-26, 18p
Plus d'infosDOMMES, Aurélie ; CAVALLO, Viola ; OXLEY, Jennifer , 2013 , Functional declines as predictors of risky street-crossing decisions in older pedestrians , Accident analysis and prevention , 59 , ELSEVIER , pp 135-143 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2013.05.017
DUDOYER, Stephen , 2013 , Méthode de Détection et de Reconnaissance de Bruits Electromagnétiques permettant la Prédiction de leurs Effets sur les Transmissions GSM-R , Thèse de Doctorat, spécialité Electronique , UNIVERSITE DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIE DE LILLE 1 , 149p
Télécharger le documentDUDOYER, Stephen, DENIAU, Virginie, AMBELLOUIS, Sébastien, HEDDEBAUT, Marc, MARISCOTTI, Andrea, 2013, Classification of Transient EM Noises Depending on their Effect on the Quality of GSM-R Reception, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 55, 5, INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS - IEEE, pp 867-874, DOI: 10.1109/TEMC.2013.2239998
DUPONT, Laurent ; AVENAS, Yvan ; JANNIN, Pierre Olivier , 2013 , Comparison of junction temperature evaluations in a power IGBT module using an IR camera and three thermo-sensitive electrical parameters , IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications , 49 , 4 , INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS - IEEE , pp. 1599-1608 , DOI: 10.1109/TIA.2013.2255852
EL ASSAAD, Hani ; SAME, Allou ; AKNIN, Patrice , 2013 , A Dynamic clustering approach for tracking the evolution of railway components , CM 2013 - International Conference on Condition Monitoring , CRACOVIE , POLOGNE , 18/06/2013 , 9p
Plus d'infosEL ASSAAD, Hani ; SAME, Allou ; GOVAERT, Gérard ; AKNIN, Patrice , 2013 , Model-Based Clustering of Temporal Data , ICANN 2013 - 23rd International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks , SOFIA , BULGARIE , 10/09/2013 , pp 9-16
Plus d'infosEL ASSAAD, Hani ; SAME, Allou ; GOVAERT, Gérard ; AKNIN, Patrice , 2013 , Un modèle dynamique à variables latentes pour le partitionnement de données temporelles , JdS 2013 - 45e Journées de Statistique , TOULOUSE , FRANCE , 27/05/2013 , 6p
Plus d'infosEL FAOUZI, Nour Eddin, BUTON, Jérémie, BILLOT, Romain, 2013, Impacts de la météorologie sur la demande de trafic, RTS : Recherche transports sécurité, 2013, 01, NecPlus, pp. 21-46, DOI: 10.4074/S0761898013001039
ESPIE, Stéphane ; BOUBEZOUL, Abderrahmane ; AUPETIT, Samuel ; BOUAZIZ, Samir , 2013 , Data collection and processing tools for naturalistic study of powered two-wheelers users' behaviours , Accident analysis and prevention , 58 , ELSEVIER , pp 330-339 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2013.03.012
FAIVRE, Sébastien ; RAVEY, Alexandre ; GUILBERT, Damien ; NDIAYE, Abdoul ; GAILLARD, Arnaud ; BOUQUAIN, David ; DJERDIR, Abdesslem ; HIGEL, Charles ; HAREL, Fabien ; CANDUSSO, Denis , 2013 , Part 2- Mobypost vehicle’s powertrain design and experimental validation , FDFC 2013 - 5th international Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells , KARLSRUHE , ALLEMAGNE , 16/04/2013 , 8p
Plus d'infosFAKHFAKH, Nizar, GRUYER, Dominique, AUBERT, Didier, 2013, Weighted V-disparity Approach for Obstacles Localization in Highway Environments, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, GOLD COAST, AUSTRALIE, 2013-06-23, 8p, DOI: 10.1109/IVS.2013.6629641
Plus d'infosFALL, Bouna, 2013, Evaluation des performances d'un système de localisation de véhicules de transports guidés fondé sur l'association d'une technique radio ULB et d'une technique de retournement temporel, Thèse de doctorat, Spécialité: Electronique, UVHC - Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambresis, 173p
Télécharger le documentFARHI, Nadir, HAJ SALEM, Habib, LEBACQUE, Jean Patrick, 2013, Algebraic Approach for Performance Bound Calculus on Transportation Networks - Road Network Calculus, TRB : Transportation research record, 2334, Transportation Research Board - TRB, pp 10-20, DOI: 10.3141/2334-02
FARHI, Nadir ; HAJ SALEM, Habib ; LEBACQUE, Jean Patrick , 2013 , Multi-anticipative Piecewise linear car-following model , TRB : Transportation research record , 2315 , TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD , pp. 100-109 , DOI: 10.3141/2315-11
FAURE, Vérane ; LOBJOIS, Régis ; BENGUIGUI, Nicolas , 2013 , Effect of driving environment complexity and dual task on eye blink rate , European Conference on Eye Movements , LUND , SUEDE , 11/08/2013 , 1p
Télécharger le documentFOULLIARON, Josquin, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, AKNIN, Patrice, BARROS, Anne, ROZAS, Rony, 2013, A prognostic algorithm based on probabilistic graphical models for a periodically observable system, ESREL 2013 - European Safety and Reliability Conference, AMSTERDAM, PAYS-BAS, 2013-09-29, 8p
Plus d'infosFOULLIARON, Josquin ; BOUILLAUT, Laurent ; BARROS, Anne ; AKNIN, Patrice ; ROZAS, Rony , 2013 , A Probabilistic Graphical Models approach for rail prognosis based maintenance in a periodic observations context , International Conference on Railway Engineering , LONDRES , ROYAUME-UNI , 10/07/2013 , 14p
Plus d'infosFRIDHI, Hassène, DENIAU, Virginie, GHYS, Jean-Pierre, HEDDEBAUT, Marc, RODRIGUEZ, Joseba, ADIN, Inigo, 2013, Analysis of the coupling path between transient EM interferences produced by the catenary-pantograph contact and on-board railway communication antennas, ICEAA 2013, International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, Turin, ITALIE, 2013-09-09, 4p, DOI: 10.1109/ICEAA.2013.6632310
GACIARZ, Matthis, AKNINE, Samir, BHOURI, Neila, 2013, A coalition-based approach for cooperative urban traffic regulation, EUMAS, European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems, Toulouse, France, 2013-12-12, pp. 1-4
GALLEN, Romain, HAUTIERE, Nicolas, CORD, Aurélien, GLASER, Sébastien, 2013, Supporting Drivers in Keeping Safe Speed in Adverse Weather Conditions by Mitigating the Risk Level, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 14, 4, INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS - IEEE, pp 1558-1571, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2013.2262523
GERMAIN, Dylan ; SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha ; BUROKUR, Shah Nawaz ; DE LUSTRAC, André , 2013 , Thin Conformal Directive Fabry–Pérot Cavity Antenna , IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters , 12 , INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS - IEEE , p926 - 929 , DOI: 10.1109/LAWP.2013.2273972
GERMAIN, Dylan ; SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha ; BUROKUR, Shah Nawaz ; DE LUSTRAC, André , 2013 , Phase-compensated metasurface for a conformal microwave antenna , Applied Physics Letters , 124102 , 103 , AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS , 124102-12102(3) , DOI: 10.1063/1.4821357
GILLIERON, Pierre Yves, MARAIS, Juliette, PEYRET, François, KAPARIAS, Ioannis, 2013, Les systèmes coopératifs dans les transports : une approche coordonnée qui nécessite une affirmation des champs de compétence, RTS : Recherche transports sécurité, 2013, 02, NecPlus, pp. 105-106, DOI: 10.4074/S0761898013002021
GLASER, Sébastien, ORFILA, Olivier, NOUVELIERE, Lydie, POTARUSOV, Roman, AKHEGAONKAR, Sagar, HOLZMANN, Frederic, SCHEUCH, Volker, 2013, Smart and Green ACC, adaptation of the ACC strategy for electric vehicle with regenerative capacity, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, GOLD COAST, AUSTRALIE, 2013-06-23, INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS - IEEE, pp. 970-975
GRANIE, Marie-Axelle, DOMMES, Aurélie, CLOUTIER, Marie-Soleil, COQUELET, Cécile, HUGUENIN-RICHARD, Florence, 2013, Etude des effets de l'âge et du contexte de traversée de rue sur les comportements observés sur passages piéton régulés, 4ème colloque du GERI COPIE, La ville sous nos pieds : connaissances et pratiques favorables aux mobilités piétonnes, MONTREAL, CANADA, 2013-11-20, 8p
Plus d'infosGRANSART, Christophe ; PROFIZI, Jean-Louis , 2013 , Système d'Information Réparti Sécuritaire , Réinventer le train, perspectives 2030, PREDIT , Valenciennes , France , 06/09/2013 , 1p
Télécharger le documentGRUYER, Dominique, CORD, Aurélien, BELAROUSSI, Rachid, 2013, Target-to-Track Collaborative Association Combining a Laser Scanner and a Camera, ITSC 2013 - 16th IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, LA HAYE, PAYS-BAS, 2013-10-06, pp. 1125-1130, DOI: 10.1109/ITSC.2013.6728383
Plus d'infosGRUYER, Dominique, CORD, Aurélien, BELAROUSSI, Rachid, 2013, Vehicle detection and tracking by collaborative fusion between laser scanner and camera, IEEE/RSJ - International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, TOKYO, JAPON, 2013-11-03, pp. 6207-6214, DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2013.6697109
Plus d'infosGRUYER, Dominique ; DEMMEL, Sébastien ; D'ANDREA NOVEL, Brigitte ; LARUE, Grégoire ; RAKOTONIRAINY, Andry, 2013, Simulating Cooperative Systems Applications: a New Complete Architecture, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 4, 12, pp 171-180, DOI:10.14569/IJACSA.2013.041226
GRUYER, Dominique ; ORFILA, Olivier ; JUDALET, Vincent ; PECHBERTI, Steve ; LUSETTI, Benoît ; GLASER, Sébastien , 2013 , Proposal of a Virtual and Immersive 3D Architecture dedicated for Prototyping, Test and Evaluation of Eco-Driving Applications , IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium , GOLD COAST , AUSTRALIE , 23/06/2013 , pp. 511-518
Plus d'infosGRUYER, Dominique ; PECHBERTI, Steve ; GLASER, Sébastien , 2013 , Development of Full Speed Range ACC with SiVIC, a virtual platform for ADAS Prototyping, Test and Evaluation , IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium , GOLD COAST , AUSTRALIE , 23/06/2013 , pp. 100-105
Télécharger le documentGUILBERT, David, LE BASTARD, Cédric, IENG, Sio Song, WANG, Yide, 2013, Re-Identification by Inductive Loop Detector: Experimentation on Target Origin-Destination Matrix, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, GOLD COAST, AUSTRALIE, 2013-06-23, 6p, DOI: 10.1109/IVS.2013.6629666
Plus d'infosHAIROUD, Siham ; COMBEAU, Pierre ; POUSSET, Yannis ; COCHERIL, Yann ; BERBINEAU, Marion ; VAUZELLE, Rodolphe , 2013 , Study of Propagation Mechanisms in Dynamical Railway Environment to Reduce Computation Time of 3D Ray Tracing Simulator , International Journal of Antennas and Propagation , 2013 , HINDAWI , 11 , DOI: 10.1155/2013/785675
HAMADI, Nacer ; IMINE, Hocine ; AMEDDAH, Djamel-Eddine, 2013, Outils principaux pour le développement d'un modèle de véhicule articulé tout terrain, ICSIP'13, International Conference On Systems and Processing Information , GUELMA, ALGERIE, 12/05/2013, 6p.,
Plus d'infosHAMIDOUN, Khadija, ELASSALI, Raja, EL HILLALI, Yassin, ELBAAMRANI, Khalid, RIVENQ, Atika, BOUKOUR, Fouzia, 2013, Multi-user interferences in ultra wide band system based on Modified Gegenbauer functions and M-OAM modulation, IESM 2013, 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, Rabat, MAROC, 2013-10-28, 1p
HAN, Yufei ; FRANCOIS, Olivier ; SAME, Allou ; BOUILLAUT, Laurent ; OUKHELLOU, Latifa ; AKNIN, Patrice ; BRANGER, Guillaume , 2013 , Online predictive diagnosis of electrical train door systems , WCRR 2013 - 10th World Congress on Railway Research , SYDNEY , AUSTRALIE , 25/11/2013 , 6p
Plus d'infosHAZIZA, Nathalie ; KASSAB, Mohamed ; KNOPP, Raymond ; HARRI, Jérome ; KALTENBERGER, Florian ; AGOSTINI, Philippe ; BERBINEAU, Marion ; GRANSART, Christophe ; BESNIER, Joëlle ; EHRLICH, Jacques ; ANISS, Hasnaa , 2013 , Multi-technology vehicular cooperative system based on Software Defined Radio (SDR) , 5th workshop on Communication Technologies for Vehicles, Nets4cars , Villeneuve d'Ascq , FRANCE , 14/05/2013 , pp84-95
Télécharger le documentHIGEL, Charles, HAREL, Fabien, CANDUSSO, Denis, FAIVRE, Sébastien, RAVEY, Alexandre, GUILBERT, Damien, NDIAYE, Abdoul, BOUQUAIN, David, DJERDIR, Abdesslem, GAILLARD, A, 2013, Part 1: Mobypost vehicle's powertrain modeling, simulation and sizing, FDFC 2013 - 5th international Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells, KARLSRUHE, ALLEMAGNE, 2013-04-16, 9p
Plus d'infosHOINARU, Olimpia ; BEUGIN, Julie ; MARAIS, Juliette , 2013 , Contribution to a terminology related to dependability for the qualification of an on-board satellite-based system , 2th ICTIS conference, International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety , Wuhan , CHINE , 28/06/2013 , p333-339
Télécharger le documentHOINARU, Olimpia ; MARIANO, Georges ; GRANSART, Christophe , 2013 , Ontology for complex railway systems application to ERTMS/ETCS system , FM-RAIL-BOK Workshop in SEFM’2013 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods , Madrid , ESPAGNE , 23/09/2013 , 6p
Plus d'infosHUGUENIN-RICHARD, Florence, DOMMES, Aurélie, GRANIE, Marie-Axelle, CLOUTIER, Marie-Soleil, COQUELET, Cécile, 2013, La marche à pied chez les personnes âgées : enjeux de mobilité et de sécurité. Actes du colloque, Bien vieillir en milieu urbain : le parcours dans l'espace et dans le temps, Ivry-sur-Seine, France, 2013-11-05
HUGUENIN-RICHARD, Florence, GRANIE, Marie-Axelle, DOMMES, Aurélie, CLOUTIER, Marie-Soleil, COQUELET, Cécile, 2013, La marche à pied chez les séniors (MAPISE), Carrefour final du PREDIT 4, Paris, France, 2013-10-07, 1 p, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34625.15208
IBRAHIM, Ali, KHATIR, Zoubir, 2013, Power cycling aging tests at 200°C of SiC assemblies for high temperature electronics, EPE 13 - European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Lille, FRANCE, 2013-09-03, 10p
Plus d'infosIBRAHIM, Ali ; KHATIR, Zoubir , 2013 , Power cycling ageing tests at 200°C of SiC assemblies for high temperature electronics , European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications , LILLE , FRANCE , 03/09/2013 , 10p
Plus d'infosIMINE, Hocine, FRIDMAN, Leonid, 2013, Sliding mode Control in Heavy Vehicle Safety. In: Advances in Sliding Mode Control, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 440, SPRINGER VERLAG, pp 313-340, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-36986-5_16
IMINE, Hocine ; FRIDMAN, Leonid , 2013 , Special Issue on Variable Structure Systems in Automotive Application , International Journal of Vehicle Design , 62 , 2/3/4 , INDERSCIENCE ENTERPRISES LIMITED , 1p
Plus d'infosIMINE, Hocine ; MADANI, Tarek , 2013 , Sliding-mode control for automated lane guidance of heavy vehicle , International journal of robust and nonlinear control , 23 , 1 , JOHN WILEY & SONS , pp 67-76 , DOI: 10.1002/rnc.1818
JACOB, Bernard ; IENG, Sio Song ; SCHMIDT, Franziska , 2013 , Bridge weigh-in-motion on steel orthotropic decks and application to bridge assessment , 92nd Annual Meeting Transportation Research Board - TRB , WASHINGTON , ETATS-UNIS , 13/01/2013 , 17p
Plus d'infosJAKOBSEN, Jakob ; JENSEN, Anna ; MARAIS, Juliette , 2013 , Simulating GNSS Position Accuracy using Non-line of Sight Reflected Signals , European Navigation Conference 2013 , VIENNE , AUTRICHE , 23/04/2013 , 7p
Télécharger le documentJONES, Hazaël, SAUNIER, Julien, 2013, Perception et émotions des conducteurs: une modélisation à base de règles floues, JFSMA 2013- Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents, Lille, France, pp.115-124
JUDALET, Vincent ; GLASER, Sébastien ; LUSETTI, Benoît , 2013 , Incentive shared trajectory control for highly-automated driving , IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium , GOLD COAST , AUSTRALIE , 23/06/2013 , pp 1089-1094
Plus d'infosKABILL, Sanaa, ELASSALI, Raja, ELBAHHAR, Fouzia, OUAHMAN, Abdellah Ait, ESSAID, Brahim Ait, 2013, Analysis and solution for multi-band orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing ultra wide band system in real environment for vehicle to infrastructure application, Journal of Computer Science , 9, 10, Science publications, p1305-1317, DOI: 10.3844/jcssp.2013.1305.1317
KALAKECH, Ali ; BERBINEAU, Marion , 2013 , Rapid Changing Channel Estimation and Equalisation based on Hyperbolic Modelling for OFDM Systems , ITST 2013, 13th International Conference on ITS telecommunications , Tampere , FINLANDE , 05/11/2013 , 5p
Plus d'infosKETENCI, Utku Görkem, BREMOND, Roland, AUBERLET, Jean Michel, GRISLIN, Emmanuelle, 2013, Limites perceptives des conducteurs automobiles : Modèle et Application à la simulation de trafic, RTS : Recherche transports sécurité, 2014, 1, NecPlus, pp. 49-63, DOI: 10.4074/S0761898014001046
KHADOUR, Aghiad, BABY, Florent, HERRERA, Amaury, TAILLADE, Frédéric, MARCHAND, Pierre, RIVILLON, Philippe, SIMON, Alain, QUIERTANT, Marc, TOUTLEMONDE, François, 2013, Distributed Strain Monitoring Of Reinforcement Bars Using Optical Fibers For Shm, CONSEC13 - 7th International Conference on Concrete under Severe Conditions - Environment and Loading , NANJING, CHINE, 2013-09-23, pp 1620-1629
Plus d'infosKHATIR, Zoubir ; LEFEBVRE, Stéphane , 2013 , Main issues and limitations in Power cycling tests for future integrated power converters , Automotive Power Electronics , PARIS , FRANCE , 03/04/2013 , 6p
Plus d'infosKHEMOUDJ, Omar, IMINE, Hocine, DJEMAI, Mohamed, 2013, Heavy duty vehicle tyre forces estimation using variable gain sliding mode observer, International Journal of Vehicle Design, 62, 2-3-4, INDERSCIENCE ENTERPRISES LIMITED, pp 274-288, DOI: 10.1504/IJVD.2013.052710
KOITA, Abdourahmane ; DAUCHER, Dimitri ; FOGLI, Michel , 2013 , New Probabilistic Approach to Estimate Vehicle Failure Trajectories in Curve Driving , Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics , 34 , ELSEVIER , pp 73-82 , DOI: 10.1016/j.probengmech.2013.06.004
KOITA, Abdourahmane ; DAUCHER, Dimitri ; FOGLI, Michel , 2013 , Multidimensional risk assessment for vehicle trajectories by using copulas , ICOSSAR 2013, 11th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability , NEW YORK , ETATS-UNIS , 16/06/2013 , 7p
Plus d'infosKWADJANE, Jean-Marc, VRIGNEAU, Baptiste, COCHERIL, Yann, LANGLAIS, Charlotte, BERBINEAU, Marion, 2013, Limited feedback precoding performance analysis for train-to-wayside communications in subway tunnels, ICC 2013 - IEEE International Conference on Communications- Workshop on Emerging Vehicular Networks: V2V/V2I and Railroad Communications, Budapest, Hongrie, 2013-06-09, pp. 510-514, DOI: 10.1109/ICCW.2013.6649285
KWDJANE, Jean-Marc ; VRIGNEAU, Baptiste ; LANGLAIS, Charlotte ; COCHERIL, Yann ; BERBINEAU, Marion , 2013 , Performance of max-dmin precoder in impulsive noise for railway communications in tunnels , ITST 2013, 13th International Conference on ITS telecommunications , Tampere , FINLANDE , 05/11/2013 , 5p
Plus d'infosL'HOSTIS, Alain ; SOULAS, Claude ; WULFHORST, Gebhard , 2013 , La ville orientée vers le rail. In : Ville et mobilité , PREDIT ; , LA DOCUMENTATION FRANCAISE
LAHAROTTE, Pierre-Antoine, 2013, Analyse de l'apport des données Bluetooth pour la caractérisation du trafic : Traitement du réseau semi-urbain, Master MEGA spécialité transports Exploitation des Infrastructures, École nationale des travaux publics de l'État, 125 p
Télécharger le documentLAVAL, Jorge A, LECLERCQ, Ludovic, 2013, The Hamilton-Jacobi partial differential equation and three representations of traffic flow, 92nd Annual Meeting Transportation Research Board - TRB, WASHINGTON, ETATS-UNIS, 2013-01-13, 21 p
LAVAL, Jorge A ; LECLERCQ, Ludovic , 2013 , The Hamilton–Jacobi partial differential equation and the three representations of traffic flow , Transportation research - Part B : Methodological , 52 , ELSEVIER , pp. 17-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.trb.2013.02.008
LE GUEN, Laurédan ; HUCHET, Florian ; DUMOULIN, Jean ; TAMAGNY, Philippe ; BAUDRU, Yvan , 2013 , Convective heat transfer analysis in aggregates rotary drum reactor , Applied Thermal Engineering , 54 , 1 , ELSEVIER , pp 131-139 , DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2013.01.025
LE LAY, Tristan, DOMMES, Aurélie, PERROT BEAUDOIN, Alexandra, DO, Manh Cuong, 2013, Caractéristiques des collisions des piétons jeunes et âgés en situation de traversée de rue à double sens de circulation, 4ème colloque du GERI COPIE, "La ville sous nos pieds : connaissances et pratiques favorables aux mobilités piétonnes", MONTREAL, CANADA, 2013-11-20, 8p
Plus d'infosLEBACQUE, Jean Patrick, KHOSHYARAN, Megan M, 2013, A variational formulation for higher order macroscopic traffic flow models of the GSOM family, Transportation research - Part B : Methodological, 57, ELSEVIER, pp 245-255, DOI: 10.1016/j.trb.2013.07.005
LEBENTAL, Bérengère ; ANGELESCU, Dan ; BOUROUINA, Tarik ; BOURQUIN, Frédéric ; COJOCARU, Costel-Sorin ; DERKX, François ; DUMOULIN, Jean ; HA, Thi Lan ; ROBINE, Enric ; VAN DAMME, Henri , 2013 , The Sense-City equipment project : insight into the prototyping and validation of environmental micro-and nanosensors for a sustainable urbanization , European Geosciences Union General Assembly , VIENNE , AUTRICHE , 07/04/2013 , 1p.
Télécharger le documentLEBENTAL, Bérengère ; DERKX, François ; BOURQUIN, Frédéric , 2013 , Equipex Sense-City, an experimental platform dedicated to networked micro and nanosensors for sustainable cities , Journées Villes Numériques , VILLEURBANNE , FRANCE , 17/12/2013 , 31p
Télécharger le documentLECLERCQ, Ludovic , 2013 , Moving bottlenecks and the three representation of traffic flow: overview of numerical issues. , Masterclass traffic modelling – FASTLANE week , DELFT , PAYS-BAS , 19/03/2013 , 36 p
Télécharger le documentLECLERCQ, Ludovic , 2013 , Moving bottlenecks and the three representation of traffic flow: overview of numerical issues , Workshop Traffic Modelling and Management: Trends and Perspectives , SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS , FRANCE , 20/03/2013 , 35 p
LECLERCQ, Ludovic ; GEROLIMINIS, Nikolas , 2013 , Estimating MFDs in Simple Networks with Route Choice. , Transportation research - Part B : Methodological , 57 , ELSEVIER , pp. 468–484 , DOI: 10.1016/j.trb.2013.05.005
LECLERCQ, Ludovic ; GEROLIMINIS, Nikolas , 2013 , Estimating MFDs in Simple Networks with Route Choice. , Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences , 20th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory , DELFT , PAYS-BAS , 17/07/2013 , 80 , ELSEVIER , pp. 99–118 , DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.05.008
LEGRAND, Cyril ; BEUGIN, Julie ; CONRARD, Blaise ; MARAIS, Juliette ; BERBINEAU, Marion ; EL KOURSI, El Miloudi , 2013 , Sensitivity Assessment to Analyse Dependability of a Multisensor Localisation System based on GNSS , ITST 2013, 13th International Conference on ITS telecommunications , Tampere , FINLANDE , 05/11/2013 , 7p
Plus d'infosLEJEUNE, Aurelien, CHEVRIER, Rémy, RODRIGUEZ, Joaquin, 2013, Algorithme hybride multi-objectif pour l'optimisation énergétique de profils de vitesse de trains, ROADEF 2013, 14ème conférence dela Société française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Troyes, FRANCE, 2013-02-13, 2p
Télécharger le documentLEMERCIER, Samuel ; AUBERLET, Jean Michel, 2013, Perception de groupes pour la navigation d’agents autonomes : vers une émergence de comportements collectifs, JFSMA'13 - Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents, LILLE, FRANCE, 03/07/2013, pp 137-146,
Plus d'infosLEMERCIER, Samuel, BOURGOIS, Laure, AUBERLET, Jean Michel, 2013, Vers une modélisation des Perceptions Individualisées des Piétons et des Interactions, 4ème colloque du GERI COPIE, La ville sous nos pieds : connaissances et pratiques favorables aux mobilités piétonnes, MONTREAL, CANADA, 2013-11-20, 11 p
Télécharger le documentLEMONNIER, Sophie, BREMOND, Roland, BACCINO, Thierry, 2013, Visual attention in a complex task: discrimination of decisional processes with eyes movement patterns, 17th European Conference on Eye Movements, LUND, SUEDE, 2013-08-01, 3 p
Plus d'infosLEMONNIER, Sophie ; BREMOND, Roland ; BACCINO, Thierry ; DESIRE, Lara , 2013 , Validation of a visual attention model in a driving field test: difficulties and benefits , IAAP School on Applied Cognitive Research , PARIS , FRANCE , 01/04/2013 , 1p
Télécharger le documentLIU, Baisi ; GHAZEL, Mohamed ; TOGUYENI, Armand , 2013 , Évaluation à la Volée de la Diagnosticabilité des Systèmes à Événements Discrets Temporisés , Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés , 47 , 1-3 , HERMES-LAVOISIER , p227-242 , DOI: 10.3166/jesa.47.227-242
LOBJOIS, Régis, BENGUIGUI, Nicolas, CAVALLO, Viola, 2013, The Effects of Age and Traffic Density on Street-Crossing Behavior, Accident analysis and prevention, 53, pp 166-175, DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2012.12.028
MAKKI, Lamis ; BOURGEOIS, Emmanuel ; BURLON, Sébastien ; MAGNAN, Jean Pierre ; DUC, Myriam , 2013 , Effet du retrait du sol sur une maison expérimentale , 18 International Conference on Soils Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering , PARIS , FRANCE , 02/09/2013 , pp 1147-1150
Plus d'infosMAMMAR, Said, AIT OUFROUKH, Naima, NOUVELIERE, Lydie, GRUYER, Dominique, 2013, Integrated automated vehicle string longitudinal control, IEEE IV 2013, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Gold Coast, AUSTRALIE, 2013-06-23, 2013 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), IEEE, pp 803-808, DOI: 10.1109/IVS.2013.6629565
MARAIS, Juliette ; DHOUBA, Attia ; MEURIE, Cyril ; TAY, Sarab ; AMBELLOUIS, Sébastien , 2013 , Projet CAPLOC. Livrable d'avancement de la tâche 3. Utilisation de l'image pour la caractérisation des signaux reçus et de la disponibilité globale de la constellation , 27p
Plus d'infosMARAIS, Juliette ; MEURIE, Cyril , 2013 , Quantify and improve GNSS quality of service in land transportation by using image processing , First CNES-ONERA Workshop on Earth-Space Propagation , Toulouse , FRANCE , 21/01/2013 , 5p
Télécharger le documentMARAIS, Juliette ; MEURIE, Cyril ; AMBELLOUIS, Sébastien ; RUICHEK, Yassine , 2013 , Projet CAPLOC. Combinaison de l'Analyse d'images et la connaissance de la Propagation des signaux pour la LOCalisation , 40ème congrès ATEXPO : Mobilité et Transports , Paris , FRANCE , 30/01/2013 , 23p
Télécharger le documentMARAIS, Juliette ; MEURIE, Cyril ; AMBELLOUIS, Sébastien ; RUICHEK, Yassine , 2013 , Projet CAPLOC. Combinaison de l'analyse d'images et la connaissance de la Propagation des signaux pour la Localisation , TEC Transport environnement circulation , 218 , 4p
Télécharger le documentMARAIS, Juliette ; MEURIE, Cyril ; ATTIA, Dhouha ; RUICHEK, Yassine ; FLANCQUART, Amaury , 2013 , Toward accurate localization in guided transport: combining GNSS data and imaging information , Transportation research - Part C : Emerging technologies , ELSEVIER , 15p
Télécharger le documentMARAIS, Juliette, NAHIMANA, Donnay Fleury, VIANDIER, Nicolas, DUFLOS, Emmanuel, 2013, GNSS Accuracy enhancement based on pseudo range error estimation in an urban propagation environment, Expert systems with applications, 40, 15, ELSEVIER, pp 5956-5964, DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2013.05.026
MARAIS, Juliette ; TAY, Sarab , 2013 , Estimation des états de réception des satellites GNSS pour une position plus précise , Journées Nationales des Communications dans les Transports , Nevers , FRANCE , 29/05/2013 , 2p
Télécharger le documentMARCZAK, Florian, DAAMEN, Winnie, BUISSON, Christine, 2013, Key Variables of Merging Behaviour: Empirical Comparison between Two Sites and Assessment of Gap Acceptance Theory, 20th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, NOORDWIJK, PAYS-BAS, 2013-07-17, 20 p, DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.05.036
MARCZAK, Florian, DAAMEN, Winnie, BUISSON, Christine, 2013, Merging behaviour: Empirical comparison between two sites and new theory development, Transportation research - Part C : Emerging technologies, 36, ELSEVIER, pp. 530-546, DOI: 10.1016/j.trc.2013.07.007
MASSON, Emilie ; COMBEAU, Pierre ; COCHERIL, Yann ; AVENEAU, Lilian ; BERBINEAU, Marion ; VAUZELLE, Rodolphe , 2013 , Méthodes de modélisation de la propagation en tunnels courbes , URSI 2013 - Journées scientifiques Union Radio Sciences International , Paris , FRANCE , 26/03/2013 , 5p
Télécharger le documentMATEEV, Céline , 2013 , Intervention ergonomique dans le cadre de la validité et de la qualification de simulateurs de conduite automobile , Mémoire de Master 2 : Spécialité Ergonomie Cognitive et Conseil Psychologique , UNIVERSITE PARIS VIII , INSTITUT FRANCAIS DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES DES TRANSPORTS, DE L'AMENAGEMENT ET DES RESEAUX - IFSTTAR , 75p. ; , UNIVERSITE PARIS VIII
Télécharger le documentMETOIS, Marianne ; SOCQUET, Anne ; VIGNY, Christophe ; CARRIZO, Daniel ; PEYRAT, Sophie ; DELORME, Arthur ; MAUREIRA, E. ; VALDERAS-BERMEJO, M.-C. ; ORTEGA, I. , 2013 , Revisiting the North Chile seismic gap segmentation using GPS-derived interseismic coupling , Geophysical Journal International , 194 , 3 , OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS , pp. 1283-1294 , DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggt183
MEURIE, Cyril ; ATTIA, Dhouha ; RUICHEK, Yassine , 2013 , Projet CAPLOC. Livrable de la tâche 1.1 : Extraction de descripteurs de couleur et de texture pour la caractérisation de l'environnement de réception des signaux GNSS , 36p
Plus d'infosMHALLA, Anis ; COLLART-DUTILLEUL, Simon ; BENREJEB, Mohamed ; CRAYE, Etienne , 2013 , Computation of Passive Robustness Bound for Assembly/Disassembly Processes , International Journal of Automation and Control Engineering , 2 , 2 , Science and Engineering Publishing Company , p79-86
Télécharger le documentMILI, Souheir, SODOYER, David, DENIAU, Virginie, HEDDEBAUT, Marc, 2013, Modeling and analysis of railway GMSK reception vulnerability to electromagnetic interference, TELECOM 2013 & 8ème JFMMA, MARRAKECH, MAROC, 2013-03-13, 4p
Télécharger le documentMILI, Souheir, SODOYER, David, DENIAU, Virginie, HEDDEBAUT, Marc, 2013, Modeling and analysis of railway GMSK reception vulnerability to electromagnetic interference, International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Technology, 2, 7, Warse, p115-118
Télécharger le documentMILI, Souheir, SODOYER, David, DENIAU, Virginie, HEDDEBAUT, Marc, PHILIPPE, Henry, CANAVERO, Flavio, 2013, Recognition Process of Jamming Signals Superimposed on GSM-R Radiocommunications, EMC Europe 2013, Bruges, BELGIQUE, 2013-09-02, 6p
Plus d'infosMONTEIL, Julien, BILLOT, Romain, EL FAOUZI, Nour Eddin, 2013, Véhicules coopératifs pour une gestion dynamique du trafic: approche théorique et simulation, RTS : Recherche transports sécurité, 2013, 01, NecPlus, pp. 47-58, DOI: 10.4074/S0761898013001040
MONTEIL, Julien, BILLOT, Romain, SAU, Jacques, ARMETTA, Frédéric, HASSAS, Salima, EL FAOUZI, Nour Eddin, 2013, Cooperative highway traffic: multi-agent modelling and robustness to local perturbations., TRB : Transportation research record, 92nd Annual Meeting Transportation Research Board - TRB, WASHINGTON, ETATS-UNIS, 2013-01-13, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD, 24 p
MONTEIL, Julien, BILLOT, Romain, SAU, Jacques, ARMETTA, Frédéric, HASSAS, Salima, EL FAOUZI, Nour Eddin, 2013, Cooperative highway traffic: multi-agent modeling and robustness assessment to local perturbations, 92nd Annual Meeting Transportation Research Board - TRB, WASHINGTON DC, ETATS-UNIS, 2013-01-13, 24 p
Plus d'infosMOREAU, Julien ; AMBELLOUIS, Sébastien ; RUICHEK, Yassine , 2013 , Equisolid fisheye stereovision calibration and point cloud computation , ISPRS-SSG 2013, conference on Serving Society with Geoinformatics , Antalya , TURQUIE , 11/11/2013 , 6p
Plus d'infosMOUSSODJI, Jeff ; KOCINIEWSKI, Thierry ; KHATIR, Zoubir , 2013 , Top-metal ageing effects on electro-thermal distributions in an IGBT chip under short circuit conditions , European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications , LILLE , FRANCE , 03/09/2013 , 9p
Plus d'infosMOUSSODJI, Jeff ; KOCINIEWSKI, Thierry ; KHATIR, Zoubir , 2013 , Distributed electro-thermal model of IGBT chip – application to top-metal ageing effects in short circuit conditions , Microelectronics Reliability , 53 , 9 , ELSEVIER , pp 1725-1729 , DOI: 10.1016/j.microrel.2013.07.089
MOUTCHOU, Fatiha ; CHERKAOUI, Abdelghani ; EL KOURSI, El Miloudi , 2013 , Human factors in the analysis of the 'tram-car drivers' at intersections , Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture , David Publishing , pp 562-569
MROUE, Ali ; HEDDEBAUT, Marc ; BOUKOUR, Fouzia ; RIVENQ, Atika ; ROUVAEN, Jean-Michel , 2013 , Automatic Passenger Detection in Safety Critical Mass Transit Environments , International journal of intelligent transportation systems research , 2013, vol. 11, no2, pp. 87-100 , SPRINGER , 10
MURGIA, Julian ; MEURIE, Cyril ; RUICHEK, Yassine , 2013 , Vers une meilleure détection des objets mobiles par Codebook et invariance couleur , CORESA 2013, COmpression et REprésentation des Signaux Audiovisuels , Le Creusot , France , 28/11/2013 , 6p
Télécharger le documentMURGIA, Julian, MEURIE, Cyril, RUICHEK, Yassine, 2013, Improvement of moving objects detection in continued all-day illumination conditions using color invariants and color spaces, ITSC 2013 - 16th International IEEE conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, The Hague, PAYS-BAS, 2013-10-06, 6p, DOI: 10.1109/ITSC.2013.6728476
NASSIOPOULOS, Alexandre ; BOURQUIN, Frédéric , 2013 , On-site building walls characterization , Numerical heat transfer, Part A-Applications , 63 , 3 , TAYLOR AND FRANCIS , pp.179-200 , DOI: 10.1080/10407782.2013.730422
NASSIOPOULOS, Alexandre ; GHIAUS, Christian , 2013 , Méthodes inverses et identification de modèles , 4p
Plus d'infosNASSIOPOULOU, Nassiopoulou, BOURQUIN, Frédéric, 2013, Device and method for determining the thermal conductivity and/or heat capacity of a wall, np
NETTO, Mariana, 2013, Contributions to road safety: from abstractions and control theory to real solutions, discussion and evaluation, Mémoire pour l'obtention de l'Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches en Sciences, UNIVERSITE DE PARIS XI, PARIS SUD, UNIVERSITE DE PARIS XI, PARIS SUD, 180p
Télécharger le documentNGUYEN VAN PHU, Cyril, 2013, Étude d'un système de gestion de ressources et de tâches, 30p.
Télécharger le documentNGUYEN, Khanh ; BEUGIN, Julie ; MARAIS, Juliette , 2013 , Dependability evaluation of a GNSS and ECS based localisation unit for railway vehicles , ITST 2013, 13th International Conference on ITS telecommunications , Tampere , FINLANDE , 05/11/2013 , 6p
Télécharger le documentNOGUER, Nicolas ; CANDUSSO, Denis ; KOUTA, Raed ; HAREL, Fabien ; CHARON, Willy ; COQUERY, Gérard , 2013 , A simulation tool for the reliability analysis of PEM fuel cells , FDFC 2013 - 5th international Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells , KARLSRUHE , ALLEMAGNE , 16/04/2013 , 8p
Plus d'infosOKASSA MFOUBAT, Anicet ; TATKEU, Charles ; ELBAHHAR, Fouzia , 2013 , UWB System Based on the Modified Gegenbauer Function in MISO Channel , Wireless Engineering and Technology , 4 , pp. 117-123 , DOI: 10.4236/wet.2013.420018
ONANENA, Raissa ; OUKHELLOU, Latifa ; COME, Etienne ; JEMEI, Samir ; CANDUSSO, Denis ; HISSEL, Daniel ; AKNIN, Patrice , 2013 , Fuel Cell Health Monitoring Using Self Organizing Maps , Chemical Engineering Transactions , 33 , pp 1021-1026 , DOI: 10.3303/CET1333171
ORTIZ, Miguel ; PEYRET, François ; RENAUDIN, Valérie ; BETAILLE, David , 2013 , From Lab to Road Test: Using a Reference Vehicle for Solving GNSS Localization Challenges , Inside GNSS , 8 , 5 , 19p
OTHMAN, Dhouha, LEFEBVRE, Stéphane, BERKANI, Mounira, KHATIR, Zoubir, IBRAHIM, Ali, BOUZOURENE, Arezki, 2013, Investigation of 1.2 kV Investigation of SiC MOSFETs for Aeronautics Applications, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, LILLE, FRANCE, 2013-09-03, 9p
Plus d'infosOTHMAN, Dhouha ; LEFEBVRE, Stéphane ; BERKANI, Mounira ; KHATIR, Zoubir ; IBRAHIM, Ali ; BOUZOURENE, Arezki , 2013 , Robustness of 1.2 kV SiC MOSFET devices , Microelectronics Reliability , European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis , 53 , 9 , ELSEVIER , pp 1735-1738 , DOI: 10.1016/j.microrel.2013.07.072
PAPADIMITRIOU, Eleonora ; AUBERLET, Jean Michel ; YANNIS, George ; LASSARRE, Sylvain , 2013 , Challenges in Simulation of Pedestrians and Motorised Traffic , RSS2013 - Road Safety and Simulation International Conference , ROME , ITALIE , 23/10/2013 , 15 p
Plus d'infosPAXION, Julie ; BERTHELON, Catherine ; GALY, Edith ; AILLERIE, Isabelle , 2013 , Effects of situation and experience on workload and driving performance , 13th European Congress of Psychology , STOCKHOLM , SUEDE , 09/07/2013 , 11p
Télécharger le documentPAYEUR, Jean Baptiste ; CORFDIR, Alain ; BOURGEOIS, Emmanuel , 2013 , Modélisation d'échantillons numériques de sol armé sous sollicitations dynamiques , CFM 2013 - 21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique , BORDEAUX , FRANCE , 26/08/2013 , 6 p
PAYEUR, Jean Baptiste ; CORFDIR, Alain ; BOURGEOIS, Emmanuel , 2013 , Modélisation d’échantillons numériques de sol armé sous sollicitations dynamiques , CFM 2013 - 21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique , BORDEAUX , FRANCE , 26/08/2013 , 6p
Plus d'infosPECHBERTI, Steve, 2013, Modélisation et simulation de capteurs électromagnétiques appliquées au domaine automobile pour le prototypage de systèmes d'aide à la conduite. Applications aux radars et systèmes de télécommunications, Mémoire de thèse en Robotique, Université Evry -Val d'Essonne, 173p.
Télécharger le documentPECHBERTI, Steve, GRUYER, Dominique, VIGNERON, Vincent, 2013, Optimized simulation architecture for multimodal radar modeling: Application to automotive driving assistance system, ITSC 2013 - IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, LA HAYE, PAYS-BAS, 2013-10-06, pp. 1119-1124, DOI: 10.1109/ITSC.2013.6728382
Télécharger le documentPEIGNEY, Michael, SIEGERT, Dominique, 2013, Piezoelectric energy harvesting from traffic-induced bridge vibrations, Smart materials and structures, 22, 9, IOP PUB, 095019, DOI: 10.1088/0964-1726/22/9/095019
PELLEGRINI, Paola ; DOUCHET, Guillaume ; MARLIERE, Grégory ; RODRIGUEZ, Joaquin , 2013 , Real-time train routing and scheduling through mixed integer linear programming: Heuristic approach , IESM 2013, 5th international conference on industrial engineering and system management , Rabat , MAROC , 28/10/2013 , 6p
Télécharger le documentPELLEGRINI, Paola ; MARLIERE, Grégory ; RODRIGUEZ, Joaquin , 2013 , Boosting the performance of a MILP formulation for railway traffic management in complex junctions , MT-ITS 2013, Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems , Dresden , ALLEMAGNE , 02/12/2013 , p419-428
Plus d'infosPELLEGRINI, Paola ; MARLIERE, Grégory ; RODRIGUEZ, Joaquin , 2013 , A mixed-integer linear program for the real-time railway traffic management problem:quantification of the impact of a priori platform assignment , ROADEF 2013, 14ème conférence dela Société française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision , Troyes , FRANCE , 13/02/2013 , 2p
Télécharger le documentPELLEGRINI, Paola ; MARLIERE, Grégory ; RODRIGUEZ, Joaquin , 2013 , Configuring a MILP formulation for rail traffic management , EURO-INFORMS conference 2013 , Rome , Italie , 01/07/2013 , 1p
Plus d'infosPELLEGRINI, Paola ; MARLIERE, Grégory ; RODRIGUEZ, Joaquin , 2013 , A mixed-integer linear program for the real-time railway traffic management problem modeling track-circuits , IAROR, 5th International Seminar on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis, RailCopenhagen 2013 , Copenhagen , DANEMARK , 13/05/2013 , 18p
Plus d'infosPELLEGRINI, Paola ; RODRIGUEZ, Joaquin , 2013 , Single European Sky and Single European Railway Area: A System Level Analysis of Air and Rail Transportation , Transportation Research : Part A, Policy and Practice , 57 , ELSEVIER , pp. 64–86 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2013.09.004
PETIT, Josselin ; BREMOND, Roland ; TOM, Ariane , 2013 , Evaluation of tone mapping operators in night-time virtual worlds , Virtual Reality , 17 , 4 , SPRINGER , pp 253-262 , DOI: 10.1007/s10055-012-0215-4
PEYRAUD, Sébastien ; BETAILLE, David ; RENAULT, Stéphane ; ORTIZ, Miguel ; MOUGEL, Florian ; MEIZEL, Dominique ; PEYRET, François , 2013 , About Non-Line-Of-Sight Satellite Detection and Exclusion in a 3D Map-Aided Localization Algorithm , Sensors , 13 , 1 , Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , 19 p. , DOI: 10.3390/s130100829
PEYRET, François , 2013 , Standardization of performances of GNSS-based positioning terminals for ITS applications at CEN/CENELEC/TC5 , Intelligent Transportation Systems World Congress , TOKYO , JAPON , 15/10/2013 , 10p
Plus d'infosPOLACH, O, BOTTCHER, A, VANNUCI, D, SIMA, J, SCHELLE, H, CHOLLET, Hugues, GOTZ, G, GARCIA PRADA, M, NICKLISH, D, MAZZOLA, L, BERG, M, OSMAN, M, 2013, Validation of multi-body models for simulation in authorisation of rail vehicles, BOGIE 2013 - 9th International Conference On Railway Bogies And Running Gears, BUDAPEST, HONGRIE, 2013-09-09, pp.187-196
Télécharger le documentPOZZOLINI, Cédric, RENARD, Yves, SALAUN, Michel, 2013, Schémas asymptotiquement conservatifs en énergie dans un problème de vibro-impact de plaques, CSMA 2013 - 11ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, Giens, France, 2013-05-13, 10 p
RABAH, Mhamad-Hassanein ; SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha ; ADDACI, Rafik ; BERBINEAU, Marion , 2013 , Antennes miniature pour la radio intelligente : sondage de spectre et liaison de communication , Journées franco-libanaise 2 , Dunkerque , France , 22/10/2013 , 1p
Télécharger le documentRABAH, Mhamad-Hassanein ; SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha ; ADDACI, Rafik ; BERBINEAU, Marion ; GHYS, Jean-Pierre , 2013 , A miniaturized EWB antenna for spectrum sensing applications , APSURSI - Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium , Orlando , ETATS-UNIS , 06/07/2013 , INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS - IEEE , pp1750-1751 , DOI: 10.1109/APS.2013.6711534
RABAH, Mhamad-Hassanein ; SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha ; BERBINEAU, Marion , 2013 , Analyse et conception d’antennes très large bande en utilisant la théorie des modes caractéristiques , URSI 2013 - Journées scientifiques Union Radio Sciences International , Paris , FRANCE , 26/03/2013 , p179-184
Télécharger le documentRANCHET, Maud, CAVALLO, Viola, PINTO, Maria, ESPIE, Stéphane, VIENNE, Fabrice, DANG, Nguyen-Thong, 2013, Comment améliorer la perception des motocycles par les automobilistes à l'approche d'une intersection ?, Journées scientifiques 'Deux-roues motorisés', BRON, FRANCE, 2013-10-15, 9p
Plus d'infosRANCHET, Maud, PAIRE-FICOUT, Laurence, UC, Ergun Y, BONNARD, Arnaud, SORNETTE, Damien, BROUSSOLLE, Emmanuel, 2013, Impact of Specific Executive Functions on Driving Performance in People with Parkinson's disease, Movement disorders, 28, 14, JOHN WILEY & SONS, pp. 1941-1948,, DOI: 10.1002/mds.25660
RANDRIAMANAMIHAGA, Andry ; COME, Etienne ; OUKHELLOU, Latifa ; GOVAERT, Gérard , 2013 , Modèle de mélange poissonien pour l'analyse de données de déplacements , JdS 2013 - 45e Journées de Statistique , TOULOUSE , FRANCE , 27/05/2013 , 6p
Télécharger le documentRANDRIAMANAMIHAGA, Andry ; COME, Etienne ; OUKHELLOU, Latifa ; GOVAERT, Gérard , 2013 , Clustering the Velib' origin-destinations flows by means of Poisson mixture models , ESANN 2013 - 22th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks , BRUGES , BELGIQUE , 24/04/2013 , 6p
Plus d'infosRENAUDIN, Valérie, 2013, Active transport: a new challenge for indoor navigation, IPIN Conference, MONTBELIARD, FRANCE, 2013-10-28, 40p
Télécharger le documentRENAUDIN, Valérie, DEMEULE, Vincent, ORTIZ, Miguel, 2013, Adaptative pedestrian displacement estimation with a smartphone, 2013 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation - IPIN, BELFORT, FRANCE, 2013-10-28, INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS - IEEE, 9p, DOI: 10.1109/IPIN.2013.6817901
RENAUDIN, Valérie ; ZHE, He ; PETOVELLO, Mark G. ; LACHAPELLE, Gérard , 2013 , Use of High Sensitivity GNSS Receiver Doppler Measurements for Indoor Pedestrian Dead Reckoning , Sensors , 13 , 4 , Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute , pp.4303-4326 , DOI: 10.3390/s130404303
RICHARD, Philippe, VANDERHAEGEN, Frédéric, BENARD, Vincent, CAULIER, Patrice, 2013, Human stability: toward multi-level control of human behaviour, IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 12th IFAC Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, LAS VEGAS, ETATS-UNIS, 2013-08-11, 46, 15, Elsevier, pp 513-519, DOI: 10.3182/20130811-5-US-2037.00056
RODRIGUEZ, Joaquin, SOBIERAJ, Sonia, 2013, État de l'art sur l'ingénierie des horaires Livrable L2.4 : outils d'optimisation, 16p
Plus d'infosROSTAING, Gilles, BERKANI, Mounira, MECHOUCHE, D, LABROUSSE, Denis, LEFEBVRE, Stéphane, KHATIR, Zoubir, DUPUY, Philippe, 2013, Reliability of power MOSFET-based smart switches under normal and extreme conditions for 24 V battery system applications, Microelectronics Reliability, European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis, 53, 9, ELSEVIER, pp 1703-1706, DOI: 10.1016/j.microrel.2013.07.120
ROZAS, Rony ; BOUILLAUT, Laurent ; AKNIN, Patrice ; SAME, Allou ; FRANCOIS, Olivier ; BRANGER, Guillaume , 2013 , A rollingstock door system’s dynamic maintenance strategies based on a sensitivity analysis through bayesian networks , WCRR 2013 - 10th World Congress on Railway Research , SYDNEY , AUSTRALIE , 25/11/2013 , 8p
Plus d'infosRUAS, Anne ; PLUMEJEAUD, Christine ; GROSSO, Eric ; OLTEANU, Ana Maria ; COSTES, Benoit ; NAHASSIA, Lucie ; VOULOIR, Marie Christine ; MOTTE, Claude , 2013 , GéoPeuple: The creation and the analysis of topographic and demographic data over 200 years , ICC'13 - 26th International Cartographic Conference , DRESDE , ALLEMAGNE , 26/08/2013 , 16 p
Plus d'infosSAGNARD, Florence ; TEBCHRANY, Elias , 2013 , Evaluation d’un géoradar ultra-large bande pour la détection de discontinuités dans les ouvrages du génie civil , JNM 2013 - 18èmes Journées Nationales Microondes , LA DEFENSE , FRANCE , 15/05/2013 , 4p
Plus d'infosSAGNARD, Florence ; TEBCHRANY, Elias ; BALTAZART, Vincent , 2013 , Analysis of hyperbolic signatures from small discontinuities using an UWB ground-coupled radar: FDTD simulations and field experiments , Geophysical Research Abstracts , European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013 , VIENNE , AUTRICHE , 07/04/2013 , 15 , 1p
SAGNARD, Florence, TEBCHRANY, Elias, BALTAZART, Vincent, 2013, Evaluation of an UWB Ground-Coupled Radar in the Detection of Discontinuities sing Polarization Diversity: FDTD Modeling and Experiments, IWAGPR 2013 - 7th International Workshop on Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar, NANTES, FRANCE, 2013-07-02, 6p
Plus d'infosSAINT PIERRE, Guillaume, ANDRIEU, Cindie, 2013, Statistique et sécurité routière : L'observation de la conduite en situation naturelle, 45ème journées de Statistique, TOULOUSE, FRANCE, 2013-05-27, 45 p
SAME, Allou, EL ASSAAD, Hani, AKNIN, Patrice, 2013, State-space modeling of a sequence of curves application to the condition monitoring of railway switches, MLSP 2013 - 23rd IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, SOUTHAMPTON, ROYAUME-UNI, 2013-09-23, 6p
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Plus d'infosZHANG, Yuxiang, ABRAHAM, Odile, TOURNAT, Vincent, LE DUFF, Alain, LASCOUP, Bertrand, LOUKILI, Ahmed, GRONDIN, Frederic, DURAND, Olivier, 2013, Validation of a thermal bias control technique for Coda Wave Interferometry (CWI), Ultrasonics, 53, 3, Elsevier, pp.658-664, DOI: 10.1016/j.ultras.2012.08.003